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        Red Smoke Alarms

        Red Smoke Alarms image

        Red Smoke Alarms are, quite simply – Australia’s best Smoke Alarms.

        A genuine alternative to Clipsal, PSA, Brooks and the cheap imports.

        10-YEAR Warranty offered by Red:

        Red is a true industry leader and the only brand of Smoke Alarms in Australia that comes with a 10-year warranty across the entire range. A testament to their product quality and reliability.

        Red smoke alarms are photoelectric, of the highest quality and certified to Australian Standard 3786:2014. Some models are also available in black. Red smoke alarms are perfect to meet the new Queensland smoke alarm laws. Check out the "Smoke Alarm Controller" - The best invention in smoke alarms… since the smoke alarm. Finally, a way to silence smoke alarms in the middle of the night. Instantly silence smoke alarms that are going off by simply pressing one button on the wall-mounted switch.

        Red Smoke Alarm Reviews

        We have hundreds of 5-star reviews across the entire Red Smoke Alarm range. Red: simply the best smoke alarm in Australia.

        Best Sellers in Red Smoke Alarms, Smoke Detector and the Red Wall Controller:

        Red Wireless | A Best Seller
        Red Smoke Alarms R10RF | Photoelectric RF Wireless smoke alarm | 10 year sealed Lithium Battery

        Red Wall Controller | The Best Smoke Alarm Innovation Since the Smoke Alarm:

        Red Smoke Alarms RAC | Smoke Alarm Controller | RF Wireless

        Browse Red Smoke Alarms